
Valeria Costello: by Gabriel and Iggy
"My “push” present from my husband – a pair of sapphire earrings. One earring for each child. It was just such a genuine surprise to receive them. Even though he is a true romantic and loves a beautiful gesture."
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Holly Garber: by Violet and August

"Our family has had lots of changes from 2020 to now, although not all of it is directly related to the pandemic. There have been some rough patches but overall I've found the past few years to be really clarifying about what's important to us as a family and me as an individual in a really wonderful way."

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Rebecca Smollen: by Capri and Sahara

"The moment I became a mother! It's as if your whole world changes when you become a mother. Who you are as a person, your beliefs, your likes and dislikes, your new hyper-sensitivity to health & safety, your emotional connections, your strengths, confidence..everything is heightened."

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Kate Fowler: by Alexa and Saachi

Seeing life through little eyes again has been such a gift. It’s magic. Then slowly they start to express themselves. They start to find their words and teach you about who they are.”

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