
Gaelle Treguer: by Charlotte

"When I’m having a bad day I like lighting my favourite Diptyque Ambre candle, flicking through the pages of a Country Style magazine, giving myself a manicure (having my nails done brings me joy. Ha!) and having Charlotte cuddling me saying: “Je t’aime Maman”. And also when my husband says he will take care of dinner!."

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Deborah Sams: by Jett

"I try and make some time each day for myself to stretch and meditate. I also try and do 2-3 yoga classes at Modern Movement which I absolutely love and feel so fantastic afterwards. Eating well and early nights, I don’t really drink at all anymore either."

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Bianca Beaman: by Hazel

“I prioritise my body and really listen to it. If I don’t feel like working out, I won’t force myself. If I want that caramel slice, I will eat it. And if I don’t want to change out of my sweat pants, I won’t! Life is too short to worry about all the noise.”

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Kriszta Gabor: by Alma

“Alma has watched us right from the beginning. She watches how we live, how we treat our home, and how we treat our furniture. Thankfully, she has adopted the same mannerisms from us.”

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