Verse Mother Valeria Costello: by Gabriel & Iggy

Short Profile
Name: Valeria Costello @valeriacostello_
DOB: December 5, 1989
Place of birth: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Occupation: Model/Marketing Manager
Children: Gabriel is 3 years old and Iggy is 2 years old.
What is your personal style signifier?
Currently, it's a blazer, when in doubt. I am always wearing a pair of jeans, a simple T-shirt and a blazer.
What is your most cherished piece of jewellery and why?
My “push” present from my husband – a pair of sapphire earrings. One earring for each child. It was just such a genuine surprise to receive them. Even though he is a true romantic and loves a beautiful gesture.
What is the last thing you purchased and loved?
My Ganni tracksuit pants. I got them from The Outnet with a huge discount so when they arrived, fit and looked like the picture (which we know sometimes doesn’t happen with online shopping), it felt like a real win.
What is currently on your wish list?
A 1-1 online breath work session with a breath specialist in Melbourne. She does online sessions called “The Breakthrough'' and we all need one of those sometimes!
Your earliest fashion memory?
My friend and I would dress up and do fashion shows for our parents. We were around 9 or 10. I totally forgot about doing them until I recently found a photo in a family album. We would just pile different clothes on ourselves. It was more about the walk, than the look, I think.
The beauty staple you’re never without?
I am only getting into beauty now. I have always really struggled to stick to a beauty routine. I still only wash my face with water and put on whatever moisturiser I have on hand.
I am getting into under eye patches, Mecca has some great ones with caffeine and Kmart has a good cheapie alternative with Vitamin C. I put them on before shoots in the morning. I always love my kids’ reaction to them!
What will you always find in your fridge?
Prosciutto and avocado – perfect open sandwich staples.
How do you stay healthy, physically and mentally? Any tips or advice?
Currently, health has really fallen behind on the priority list but I am aiming to get back to a more solid exercise routine. I try to eat at home as much as possible to avoid hidden take-out nasties. I make sure to eat fats every day – butter, avocado, full-fat milk, fish. My mum cooks a lot of my Russian childhood favourites like soups and meat and potato dishes. They are very nurturing. I am also a morning exerciser, which is good and bad. The bad is, if I don’t get up early for Pilates it is definitely not happening later.
Mentally, I am now able to identify my crunch point. I know when I start feeling sorry for myself, it is time to do something outside the house for myself. I go get my nails done or meet a friend for breakfast. Simple pleasures go a very long way to help my mind feel re-energised again.
Any great discoveries recently? cafe, restaurant, shop, online etc…
I am forever on the lookout and discovering new podcasts. The most recent discovery is Spellcaster: The Fall of Sam Bankman-Fried. I have zero understanding of crypto coins or how trading platforms work, but the story is fascinating.
What object would you never part with?
This is a tough one! I am really into my air pods at the moment. I thought they were the most ridiculous thing until my husband got me a pair. They are perfect for podcasts when I am doing stuff around the house.
I also have this weird thing that if I go to bed without my engagement and wedding rings, I wake up in a semi-sleep-walking panic and have to go find them. It kind of runs in the family because my mum does the same thing. Maybe when you love something and wear it every day, your body signals your brain that something is terribly wrong when it is not there...
What are some of the challenges of being a working mother and how do you juggle it all?
Dear diary....haha where do I start! Thank you for providing the space to answer this question. I find being a mum in general quite overwhelming, let alone mixing work into it. I find myself craving silence a lot, which only happens at the very end of the night.
The biggest challenge is the logistics. I feel like I am running a production company. We are very lucky to have family around us so when a modelling job comes up, I do a big round of calls to see who is available. Both my jobs are quite flexible too. I have no idea how families who have full-time office schedules do it.
Getting distracted a lot is a challenge as well. It takes me so much longer to get tasks done. Overall, I have had to let go of a lot of things in order to “survive”. I thought my kids would be gluten and TV-free. They are most definitely neither of those things!
Valeria wears Verse One Letter 18-Karat Gold Aquamarine Necklace
Film photography: Gabriel (3) Iggy (2)